Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Never give up

Usually I write about runs, not so much today. While I did go for a run, distance and time aren't what matter today. What matters is that I went out and did it. After work today, I really didn't want to do anything. I just wanted to come home and crash. We all have days like this, but these are the days were we really do need to do something.

Sometimes we just have to look a little deeper, and dig down deep for that extra push. You might surprise yourself. I didn't know what I had in me today, but I ended up doing 3.2 miles in 25:03, with a 7:49 average. Could I have done that if I just plopped down on the couch after work? No. Would I have ever found out what I really had inside of me? No. Would I have felt better if I just sat around the house and did nothing? No (although that could be up for interpretation). The point is, sometimes you need to get out and do something when you feel like you can't. Unless, there is some physical reason you shouldn't, go for it. Don't create those mental boundaries. If nothing else, prove to yourself that you can.

It's so easy to just give up, say your done, call it quits, hit the shower. But excuses won't get you anywhere. If you want to make changes, you need to put in the work, even when you don't want to. I know this might not be your cup of tea, but this song kind of says it all.

If ever you're in need of motivation, never feel like you can't ask for help. That's what friends are for.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Runs with sausage

Bright and early, in the shadows of Miller Park in Milwaukee, 2977 people (and 4 sausages) went out to run. In 24 minutes and 16 seconds, it was all over for one runner. Oh, yeah! That's me! :)  It was a really great morning to run. Already almost 70 degrees at 8am, but the sun was out, a light breeze. It was a great morning for a run.

So my times have been getting better. I've really started started bringing my pace and overall times down. This last race, my pace was almost 7:30 per mile (my watch recorded 7:29, and the race timer recorded 7:49). It felt very comfortable. There were times I slowed down, sped up. I did what felt good at the moment. And that's been one of the biggest things I've learned, to listen to what my body wants to do. Sometimes, I just need to slow up for a moment to save energy before a hill, sometimes I can speed up to make up that time I may have lost when I slowed. But always, have to save enough for that last quarter mile sprint. I never want to just be running a stettled in pace across the finish line, I want to have it all out, a last push for a faster time than the race before.

Monday, July 21, 2014

3 hot miles

Well, I got my third week run in. 3 miles. A bit warm today. 83 with a heat index near 90. But I had plenty of water all day, some MusclePharm Amino1 right before along with my Assault. It really wasn't too bad, there was a breeze out, so that helped. Anyway, 3 miles in 24:34, averaging 8:10/mile. It was pretty amazing. I did stop once at around 2 miles, and walked for a short bit, but really finished hard.

I'm pretty surprised I did as well as I did. Not because of the heat, but after my run on Saturday, I had some discomfort in part of my left foot. I later figured out I had tied my shoe too tight, and it was kind of knotted up. I've been working with my foot roller, and that seems to be helping. So I did pretty good, and it gives me hope for a good run on Saturday in Milwaukee.

So this is week 3 of 12, a quarter of the way through. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit nervous, maybe scared about the miles after week 6. But, just like anything else, I can do it. I've yet to not make a goal I've set for myself.

The other night Rocky IV was on. There's a scene that really emphasizes not failing on your goals. There not being pain.

Sometimes, you just have to push though it. Forget about things that are holding you back, and just fight!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Around the lake

Went on a real nice 6 mile run today. Part of it was a route I've taken before, another part was completely new. Instead of just an out and back, I made a 6 mile loop. It's a nice route with a couple of hills. There was a path off of the sidewalk on one of the streets that I'm going to have to look into next time, it might add some distance, more scenery, and be better than that jacked up concrete.

The only down side was I had to contend with some sort of cycling event. There were no signs to indicate the event was happening, no road closures. But the people partaking seemed oblivious to the fact that they were on an open public road, not a closed course. I got several dirty looks and gestures. I was running against the flow of traffic, like I should, even jumping to the grass as they would not move over. Lost a little respect for cyclists today. What was even sadder, were the adults who were acting like idiots infront of the kids in the event. Teach them the correct way to ride, not the ass-hat way. But I digress.

6.02 miles, 53:44, an 8:55 average. Not too bad. My planning last night had me at exactly a 10k distance, so I was a little short today, but still not bad. I probably could have tacked on that final quarter mile, and looking back, I wish I had. It probably didn't help that my first two miles were too fast, well under 8 minutes per mile. I was aiming for about an 8:30 to 9 minute pace, more towards 9. I guess in the end, I was close, but just burned it up too much on the first two. Live and learn. It's always harder running solo, than in a group where it's easier to find people to pace yourself with.

Next race is next week in Milwaukee. I've really been looking forward to this one. Part of the course goes into Miller Park, around the warning track. I'm really looking forward to that. Hoping I can really improve my 5k time on this one. Hopefully, any of the bruising that I might have gotten today on my left foot will be gone and not a factor in a week. With new shoes, has come a change in running style, I'm getting more onto my toes and launching off of them. I think I've been doing this along on the right, but not the left. Also didn't help that I think I may have tied my left shoe just a little too tight towards the toes. It's all good though. A little pain like that I can handle, and when the endorphines kick in, pain is gone! :)

Saturday, July 12, 2014

New shoes, and hopefully a new start

Over the last month or two, I've noticed my shoes haven't been feeling right when I run. I wasn't sure if it was just me or something else. Last week, I had the opertunity on my Tuesday night run at Endurance House to run in a different pair of shoes. What a difference! They felt springy, like my feet weren't restricted, they didn't feel clunky or heavy. There was something there. So this week I made a trip back to talk with someone about them. After a lengthy conversation, it was agreed that perhaps as I've improved over the last year, that perhaps the shoes that I was running in weren't the ones that were right for me anymore. So I set up an appointment to come in, re-evaluate my running style and find what will work.

So during my evaluation, I first ran on the treadmill in my current shoes. We looked at the video and saw what was and was not happening with my feet. Then did the same with a pair like I wore the other week. There were slight improvements, but still something was off. They felt good, but, things looked over supported. So we tried a third pair. This third pair was a neutral shoe, less support, and resulted in less stiffness and more natural movement. My right foot looked great, but my left was still in need of some support. So we put some inserts into the third shoe and ran again. Big improvement. It felt like there was more spring in my run. I was really starting to push off on the balls of my feet. That was the combination that was needed. So I walked out with a great pair of Saucony Triumph 11 shoes and Superfeet carbon inserts.

Today I went on my first run with the new shoes. Wow! They felt even better than they did in the store two days ago. I started out from the house and took the hill into the village. The balance these put me in was incredible, I was able to power up the hill better than I had before. Once things leveled out, things felt smooth. The sound was different too. They didn't sound clunky on the road. like my old pair had. It felt like every time I pushed off, I was leaping forward. I felt like I could really relax my foot and body, and let the shoe do the work. On the way back, I had to go back down that first hill. I've always felt a little out of control going down hill, but this time was different. I felt like I was in control and didn't have to try and force myself to slow down. Then came our hill. I powered up, shifting my weight towards my toes, I could again, feel the power pushing off, and charged up the hill. It really was a great run.

I'll admit, since Boulder, I've kind of slacked off. A workout or run here and there, but nothing consistent. I'm going to change that, I need to change that. I have come so far in the last two years, that to just put everyday fitness on the back burner would be a mistake. Even though I am happy with where I am, any improvements that I can make will only be for the better. I'm happy floating around 190 and 195, if feels right. If I lose more weight, so be it, but that's not my goal. I want to improve on what I have worked so hard to achieve. I want to continue to shape and strengthen my mid section. There's a lot of power in the core, but that power can't be used if it's not taken care of or improved on. I'm not looking to gain the "six pack". But that area is weak and needs to be strengthened. And as it has in the past, when the core get stronger, so does my running.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Week 1 of 12: 1 mile

Had a great run today. I had a great couple of runs today. After work today I decided that I'd go for a nice 3 mile run. It was a bit warm out and there's a good chance of rain tomorrow, so I figured why now. Most of the day, things kind of hurt. It seemed like my legs were tired all morning. you know that feeling after you walk a long distance, or your body just kind of aches when you wake up? That was me most of the morning. But, I had to do something. So I did what it is that I do, and laced up my shoes and headed out.

The first mile and a half was great. Really focused and strong. But I started to fall apart after that. I had to stop and walk a couple of times. My mind was really wandering. I just lost focus. No matter how much I tried to get myself pumped to finish, it was just hard. Finally I just went balls out and finished as hard as I could. It hurt. I could feel the cramps building up. I was thirsty. But that really shouldn't matter. My short fight for that last mile is nothing compared to what others have to go through. That last mile is only 8 minutes and some change. The pain I feel, that's like a pinch compared to the full on boxing match that others are in. No matter what, you have to keep fighting. You have to finish, and finish strong. Never give up!!

Speaking of fighting, today started my 12 weeks of adding extra miles. After that 3 mile run, I took a quick break, a little water, stretched the cramps out, and headed back on the trail for one more mile. Like I said in a previous post, every week for the next 12 weeks, I'm going to be adding in miles equivilent to that week. This being week 1, 1 mile. Next week, 2 miles. In 12 weeks, a 12 mile run. I might add these in after a run, or I might just pick a day where I run those miles. I was amazed. After a 3 mile run that kicked my butt, this one little mile was a breeze. I averaged just 8:07 per mile (where as my 3 mile run was close to 8:30 a mile). It seemed to go so quick. This mile, I was focused. I felt strong. The pain left, as I know it is serving a purpose. These miles are my way of fighting alongside those who are fighting tougher battles. I'm looking forward to that 12 mile run, but also fearing it. It's the unknown. Can I really do it? What will it be like? It's going to be special. I'm going to come up with a one way route, ending somewhere other than where I started. So those of you reading, who know me and live near me, if you'd like to join me at some point on that final run, that would be super cool. Those last couple of miles will probably be the hardest and most emotional, where I'll need the most help.