Went on a real nice 6 mile run today. Part of it was a route I've taken before, another part was completely new. Instead of just an out and back, I made a 6 mile loop. It's a nice route with a couple of hills. There was a path off of the sidewalk on one of the streets that I'm going to have to look into next time, it might add some distance, more scenery, and be better than that jacked up concrete.
The only down side was I had to contend with some sort of cycling event. There were no signs to indicate the event was happening, no road closures. But the people partaking seemed oblivious to the fact that they were on an open public road, not a closed course. I got several dirty looks and gestures. I was running against the flow of traffic, like I should, even jumping to the grass as they would not move over. Lost a little respect for cyclists today. What was even sadder, were the adults who were acting like idiots infront of the kids in the event. Teach them the correct way to ride, not the ass-hat way. But I digress.
6.02 miles, 53:44, an 8:55 average. Not too bad. My planning last night had me at exactly a 10k distance, so I was a little short today, but still not bad. I probably could have tacked on that final quarter mile, and looking back, I wish I had. It probably didn't help that my first two miles were too fast, well under 8 minutes per mile. I was aiming for about an 8:30 to 9 minute pace, more towards 9. I guess in the end, I was close, but just burned it up too much on the first two. Live and learn. It's always harder running solo, than in a group where it's easier to find people to pace yourself with.
Next race is next week in Milwaukee. I've really been looking forward to this one. Part of the course goes into Miller Park, around the warning track. I'm really looking forward to that. Hoping I can really improve my 5k time on this one. Hopefully, any of the bruising that I might have gotten today on my left foot will be gone and not a factor in a week. With new shoes, has come a change in running style, I'm getting more onto my toes and launching off of them. I think I've been doing this along on the right, but not the left. Also didn't help that I think I may have tied my left shoe just a little too tight towards the toes. It's all good though. A little pain like that I can handle, and when the endorphines kick in, pain is gone! :)
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