Sunday, March 30, 2014

Spring is here! And I hope it stays

It appears spring might be here to stay this time. Two wonderful days of sun and warm. Yesterday got into the mid 40's and today in the mid 50's. So what happens when the weather cooperates like that? YOU RUN!!!

Yesterday got 4.22 miles in 36 minutes. Lots of hills. I started from home, so had our hill to go down, and then the hill going into town to go up. Our hill on the way back, really took a lot out of me, but I just kept pushing as best as I could. It was a good run for an evening run. I hadn't planned on running, but just couldn't pass up the great weather.

Then today, another great looking day, and a little warmer. Drove into Madison and ran in the Arboretum. It really is a great place to run. Some hills, but mostly flat. Through the woods, the prairies, the wetlands. It's a nice run (not as nice as Colorado, but what can be?). I was hoping to get 5 miles in today, and I did. 5.04 miles in 44:40 with an 8:52 average pace. I'm more than thrilled with that. Just past 4.5 miles where I made a turn back, I suddenly got what felt like a burst of speed. Any fatigue that I felt seemed to disappear. I'm not sure what it was. Suddenly it was like nothing mattered. It was great! I didn't want to stop. When my running app announced 5 miles, I had a hard time slowing down. It's like I wanted to keep going. I probably could have, but didn't want to risk injury at this point. Only about 3 weeks left until Crazylegs and then a month after that is Boulder.

I really can't believe this is all happening. I know it's not a big deal to some, but for me it kind of is. I'm loving every minute of it, and I just can't wait to see how things go. This is going to be an awesome year for my running, I just know it!!

Monday, March 24, 2014

32 days!

32 days until the Crazy Legs Classic 8k run in Madison, WI! Looking forward to it. If the trend stays the same as it is towards the end of this week, maybe we'll have some good weather. This Sunday is supposed to be sunny and 62. I'll believe it when I see it, but I sure hope it's true. And soon morning runs will start! Things are looking and feeling good. I'm still super stoked for Boulder, already trying to plan out where to do a run the Saturday before. Good times!

Saturday, March 15, 2014


No, not that kind of pie. Pi. As in 3.14. That was today's run. While it may be a day late, day old pie isn't always a bad thing. It was warm out, about 35. Good day for short and t-shirt, right? Just a nice easy run by the lake. Had a running buddy today, so that was really kind of nice. For me it was a really relaxed pace, I very much enjoyed it seeing as I had already done a Combat workout a couple of hours earlier.

Getting more amped for Boulder. Still have just over 2 months, but I wish it would hurry up and get here. I want to get out there so bad.

35 is warm enough for this. Right?
Not the official race shirts, but I have shirts!!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Spring is in the air!!

It's getting nice out! Things are warming up, snow and ice are melting. Did a little 4 mile run today, 35:25. Not too bad. My pace was a little all over the place, but honestly I don't care. It was just good to get out.

In other news, some great cancer breakthroughs are happening! The UW Carbone Cancer Center has been doing some groundbreaking work on leukemia research. Specifically lympopocyctic leukemia. Again this year, I will be running in the 5k that supports the research going on at the UW, so stay tuned for that.