Thursday, September 11, 2014

A year gone and double digits

Hard to believe that this Saturday will the the anniversary of my first 5k race. Has is been a year already? It just doesn't seem possible. It's going to be nice returning to the event that got all of this started. And it carries just as much meaning now as it did then. I've come a long way in the last year. My times are picking up. 3 miles doesn't seem like such a chore. I'm always looking for new and bigger challenges.

Speaking of bigger challenges, today I have crossed in to the land of double digits. Because this week has been a little nuts, either the weather or our water heater dying, I was worried I wouldn't get my week 10 run in. Well, as luck would have it, I could shower at work, so I got up extra early this morning. 4:15 early. Got to my starting place a little after 5:30 and took off. The sun wasn't even up yet. The mornings are getting cool too, it was only in the low 40's when I started. Just me, the road, a few cars and the geese. I was mentally prepared today. I went to bed early. Had an energy filled breakfast. The first mile was a little quick at 7:55, but soon got into a steady rhythm. Not once, did a mile go longer than 8:30. In fact, my "slowest" was an 8:21 at mile 4. And mile 10? I was really moving at 8:01. My BolderBoulder 10k time was smashed today. And this run, at 1:22:18, was hardly a minute slower than my 9 mile run last weekend. Things were solid!

After today's run, I'm feeling very good about Saturday. I honestly think I can do this 5k in 22 minutes or less. It's going to be a bit on the cool side, but that's when I seem to do my best. We'll just have to wait and see!

Today's split times

Sunday, September 7, 2014

New miles and a new goal

Well, today I got my week 9 run in. 9.44 miles total. 1 hour, 21 minutes, with an 8:35 pace. Kicked some major butt. I even beat my BolderBoulder time by a few minutes at the 10k mark. This felt really good, and looking at the graph, my pace was pretty steady. I took known 5 and 10k routes and combined them. I knew I'd be a little more than 9 miles, but that's ok. It was was a beautiful morning for a run. Temperature was right around 60, clear sky, light breeze if any. And where the route was, I was able to use the street more than the sidewalk as there was hardly any traffic that early in the day.

It's going to be a tough week, with getting this run done on a Sunday. I still have to get a 10 mile run in. I was thinking Wednesday, but it looks like rain that day. We're putting in overtime at work lately, and staying until 5:30 or later is going to be cutting into the daylight with these longer runs. So I've got the 10 miles to do this week, and I also have a 5k race on Saturday. And as much as I'd love to hang out at the end of the race Saturday, I'm actually coming from another event, so I may just wait for results to post and split.

So Saturday's race is the Carbone Race for Research. The one that was my first 5k. It's a special race for many reasons. And this year, I think more than last, it holds a little more meaning. My friend, who kind of gave me the idea to run this last year, isn't doing so hot at the moment. I guess the leukemia has kind of reared it's ugly head and is really taking it's toll. Between some significant weight loss and weakness. Not to say that there isn't a chance that things could improve, right now is pretty tough. It just shows how important cancer research is. If you can help out with either my StandUp2Cancer fundraising or my Carbone fundraising, that would be really cool, especially right now.

Ok,so for some good news. I have a new goal set. I never really thought I would do a marathon. Well, I was proven wrong. Can't enter yet, but I have given my "verbal commitment" to run in the 2016 Honolulu Marathon. Plenty of time to get ready. And even thought it's long distance, I've got a training buddy. One of my friends going all the way back to grade school, kind of  gave me the idea and we're going to work together on this. How cool is that?! What a perfect location for my first race at that distance. And in December, who wouldn't want to go to Hawaii. I've never missed a goal that I have set in the last 2 years, I don't see why this won't be any different.

So lots going on for Team Munky this week, and in the future.

Those links again for my fundraising efforts again are:

Stand Up 2 Cancer
Carbone's Race for Research

Thanks for all the support that you give me. You have no idea what it means to me.