Wednesday, November 27, 2013


It's cold out! Went on a run yesterday morning. I think this was colder than the run I did in the Ozarks. Not to mention, there was snow and slush on the road. Still, managed 5K in about 26 minutes. Had a very steady pace for the most part. Feeling pretty good about tomorrows race, other than the fact I have to be up so early, 9am race but need to be there super early to get a parking spot. I see a power nap in the car before hand.

I think the run in the cold will be good before heading out to Colorado in a few weeks. I still have no clue what to expect out there. Their weather lately has been very unpredictable, 30's and snow one day, near 60 the next. I guess last year at race time it was around 20. I'm pretty much set for that one, still have yet to book my hotel and car (I'm lazy). And it helps that I've gotten a few messages from some family and friends in the area that they might try and make it. That would be cool if I had a few familiar faces there that day. I would never expect anyone to wait out in the cold for me. Now, when I return in May, it'll be nice and warm and there shouldn't be an excuse, other than the masses of people that will be there for that one. Hmmm, I wonder if I'll make it on TV for that one as it is televised.

Well, just sitting around waiting for breakfast to digest a bit before getting my workout in for the day. Typically I don't do anything real physical the day before a race, but I've been feeling real good lately and figure if I can get it done in the morning I've got the rest of the day to relax. So I'll get that done, wait on the furnace guy to come for the winter checkup, and then I have a massage scheduled for the afternoon. I think today is going to be pretty good to me!

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